The dry season in El Salvador runs from Nov-April. During these months the weather is warm and sunny, typical tropical high season weather. The waves during this time of the year are clean and nice. They are usually a bit smaller and softer which is perfect for beginners and also more intermediate surfers.
The wet season runs from May-Oct. During these months the temp is high, around 25-30 degrees. There will be some rainy days but it is usually quick showers in the afternoons and the sun usually shines a few hours per day as well. The surf this time of the year is really good. The waves are usually a bit bigger than during the dry season and more spots in the area are working. This season is perfect for intermediate and more experienced surfers. It is also really good for beginners since we have a great beginner spot close to the camp that works all year round.
El Salvador offers great waves all year round